My channel's not sponsored by anyone other than you. To help me keep it that way, please support if you can. Thank you so much! --- In today's very fun and very improvised video, I'm going to install GrapheneOS on a brand new Pixel 7. I haven't changed an OS on an Android phone in years, so this will be exciting. And messy! Resources (these are not affiliate links): 📖 Companion blog post: 📱 GrapheneOS website: 🤖 F-Droid project: 🌃 AuroraOSS website I visited briefly, I hope it's legit: I also reference two videos from other YouTubers: I have not watched these in their entirety and am merely providing these as information which you may want to consider (I am not endorsing any views here): Louis Rossmann video referenced: Techlore video referenced: Chapters 'n' stuff: 0:00 This is not a GrapheneOS tutorial 0:51 What is GrapheneOS 2:47 Pixel 7 unboxing 3:51 Starting to install GrapheneOS but oops I need to update first 6:13 Actually installing GrapheneOS 11:46 Booting GrapheneOS for the first time 13:36 The great "app installation" saga of 2023 20:30 Should I use the Aurora Store, maybe? 23:30 Immediate conclusions about the initial install and configuration 25:03 Conclusions after a few weeks with GrapheneOS #android #privacy #grapheneOS